Auckland Choral Foundation

Auckland Choral has been bringing joy to New Zealand audiences since 1855. On its 150th anniversary in 2005 the Auckland Choral Foundation was established as a registered charitable trust to help advance the choir’s work through advocacy, publicity, education and fundraising within the whole New Zealand choral music environment.

The Auckland Choral Foundation makes many annual grants such as scholarships to budding soloists or to young promising choristers, funds stage management or singing internships, supports new commissions and otherwise to extend choral boundaries. It is also a catalyst to develop singing for talented people with visual impairment or other disabilities. If you enjoy choral singing please consider contributing to continue that joy and future- proof choirs like Auckland Choral forever.

The work of the Auckland Choral Foundation

Make an investment for the future of Auckland Choral

The Auckland Choral Society is the oldest arts institution in New Zealand. We believe that its significant presence in Auckland’s civic history is worth preserving. It is for that reason that the Auckland Choral Foundation endowment fund was created to not only enhance choral singing as a while, but also to support the Auckland Choral Society in an economic landscape where securing arts funding is an ongoing challenge.

Future-proofing the Auckland Choral Society as an iconic entity is vital to the cultural ethos of our society.


We would be delighted to discuss any aspect of our donor/bequest programme with you. 


Donations can be made in the following ways:

Electronic Payments:

One-off donations and regular automatic payments are greatly appreciated and can be easily set up through your online banking:

Auckland Choral Foundation account number: 02-0208-0009426-00

Please email your name and address to

*Please note, donations are tax deductible and tax receipts will be issued after 31 March, or as requested.




A gift in your Will to our charity will keep generations singing into the future. Please click below to download our bequest information booklet.

For further information about any of these options please contact us:

  • Email:
  • Phone: +64 027 4945363 Warwick Mitchell, Chair of Auckland Choral Foundation
  • Write to: Auckland Choral Foundation, PO Box 7228, Wellesley Street, Auckland

The Auckland Choral Foundation gratefully acknowledges their contributors and donors:

Founding Members ($25’000+)

  • Peter & Noela Gibbons
  • John Stevenson 

HALLELUJAH ($10’000+)

  • Dame Jenny Gibbs
  • Sylvia K  Rosevear
  • R & H Waters
  • The Wallace Arts Trust

ELATION ($5’000 +) 

  • David & Genevieve Becroft Foundation

PRAISE ($1000+)

  • Don Currey
  • A & C Robertson
  • Selwyn Robinson Foundation
  • Bruce & Sandi McLean
  • Kenneth Cornish
  • Michael J Taylor
  • AM Tretter Trust
  • Athena Trust
  • P Wilson & G McGechan
  • Traude Leibbrand
  • C&K Mitchell
  • Kerrin M Vautier CMG & Noel Vautier
  • Nigel & Ming High
  • Christine Keller-Smith
  • E Johnston & A Buchanan
  • Warwick & Catherine Mitchell
  • Lucy Powell
  • J & J Robertson
  • Sewell Family
  • Ziera Shoes
  • Anonymous (4)



  • Estate of Peter Gibbons
  • Estate of MR Barkla
  • Estate of J Vincent
  • Estate of Ken Cornish


(Pledged Bequests) 

  • David Hamilton
  • Sylvia K Rosevear
  • Jean McNee
  • C&W Mitchell
  • C&H Smith
  • Lesley Salkeld
  • Beverley Rogers
  • Sarah Cox
  • Ross Blair
  • Joslyn Squire 
  • Anonymous (2)

We also thank our monthly automatic payment donors whose contributions add up to a significant figure over time, no matter how small each month.


Our people are you, the generous donors and the Foundation Board trustees.

The Foundation Board of Trustees

Warwick Mitchell


Warwick Mitchell

Warwick brings over thirty years involvement in choral singing and over twenty years in management of choral organisations including Royal Christchurch Musical Society, Christchurch City Choir and over the last 23 years with Auckland Choral.  He is a current singing member and past Chairman of nine years for Auckland Choral and is a Trustee of four other “not for profit” organisations.

Warwick's business background includes thirty years as a senior executive specialising in sales and marketing for the Post Haste Limited group. Warwick joined the board in 2014 with the intent of sharing his extensive experience in choral administration, marketing and fund raising.

Marion Hammond


Marion Hammond

Marion has been a member of Auckland Choral since 2008 and has recently become both a trustee and the Treasurer of the Foundation. She is responsible for all the financial transactions undertaken by the Foundation and prepares the year end accounts and reporting requirements required by the Charities Services. She also works closely with the Auckland Foundation with whom we have a partnership and together are working hard to fund choral singing in Auckland and New Zealand.
Professionally working as an accountant for a property management firm Marion also utilises her skills as Treasurer for the Auckland Dragon Boat Association, a role she has held for over nine years. Her background also includes volunteering for Amateur Theatre Companies in production and management roles which have furthered her knowledge of voluntary organisations. 

John Stevenson

John Stevenson

John enjoys choral singing and has been a singing member of Auckland Choral for 30 years. He has been fully involved in the society throughout that time serving for 20 years on the Auckland Choral Management Committee, much of that time as Deputy Chairman of the committee, and for several years as Chairman of the Finance subcommittee.

John is a  current Trustee of both Auckland Choral and Auckland Choral Foundation, the latter as a founding supporter.

Beverley Rogers

Beverley Rogers

A singing member of Auckland Choral for 12 years, Beverley has enjoyed a lifetime of involvement in the performing arts and has sung with many choirs throughout New Zealand.  She has the choir’s best interests at heart, and as Chair of the Management Committee is committed to its success to offer performances of excellence and to bringing choral music to the wider community of the Auckland region both now and in the future.

Beverley’s commitment to community service over the years has extended across a wide spectrum having served on and chaired a number of charitable organisations trusts. She will bring value to the Foundation as a trustee with her significant experience in governance as well as her profession of event management.

To ensure the ongoing viability of the choir, Beverley is pleased to be a member of the Foundation, where she will work with other trustees to build on the strong financial foundation and develop ongoing investment growth.